Roll Up Gate Spring Repairs Baltimore

If you ever wondered how it can be so easy to lift open or gently close even the heaviest roll up gate in Baltimore, The answer is in the roll up gate mechanism, and of course the spring system, which is designed and build in a way that balance even the heaviest manual roll up gates in Baltimore, and make it easy to operate them. And for that matter, it doesn’t matter if your roll up gate in Baltimore is equipped with extension spring system or with torsion spring system. There are many calculation which were made by the people who designed the roll up gate, so the right spring will move the gate, keeping the gentle balance that keep the gate up when you open it, and keep down when you close it. So if you own a roll up gate in Baltimore, look at the gate and you will see spring system (1-4 springs, but usually 2), and it will help you understand how your roll up gate is operating.

Extension springs
Since the roll up gate springs are under a lot of tension, a snapped roll up gate spring is not a rare problem, and definitely not a problem that require to replace the whole gate, you just need to find someone who repair roll up gate spring in Baltimore, and who can replace roll up gate springs. We offer spring replacement in Baltimore for all kinds of roll down gates including commercial roll up gates and residential roll up gates spring system, since roll down gate spring repairs is part of our roll up gate repair services we offer in Baltimore.


Do not use a roll up gate which its spring snapped. Using such a gate will lead to bigger damage and can be dangerous. Call us for a same day roll up gate spring repair in Baltimore. We carry springs for all kinds of roll up gates in Baltimore, and we can replace your roll up gate spring today.

Extension spring Repair Baltimore

If you own an overhead gate in Baltimore, and you look at your roll up gate, and you find that the springs are installed on top of the tracks (Attached to pulleys and cables), it means that your roll up gate in Baltimore is moving by extension spring system. When one of the extension springs snap, it can be dangerous, and can put people, the gate itself, objects such as your car, and other people near the gate at risk.
So whenever there is a roll up gate in Baltimore that work with extension spring system, we offer you to make sure that there are safety cables installed in your gate, in case the spring will break. The safety cables may not prevent the spring from snapping, and it is not a hundred percent protection, but at the same time it may prevent a bigger damage in case one of the springs will snap.
Every roll up gate in Baltimore is unique, and not every spring will fit every roll up gate! So if you plan to do the replacement by yourself instead of using a professional roll up gate tech in Baltimore, make sure you have the right spring, and that you know exactly what you are doing. Not once during servicing roll up gates in Baltimore, we found people who tried to fix their roll up gate by DIY, and ended with serious injuries and bigger damage. So when it comes to roll down spring repair in Baltimore, we recommend to use the services of a local roll up gate company who offer same day roll down repair in Baltimore.

Safety Cables installer in Baltimore (For extension spring system)

Although the safety have no part in operating your roll down gate in Baltimore, and the roll up gate will work the same with or without them, it is important to install safety cables, to protect the area which surrounding your roll up gate if the spring will snap one day, and like every roll up gate in Baltimore, one day the spring will eventually snap. If you need to replace the springs, make sure to use a trained technician in Baltimore, and make sure that the installer will also include safety cables. If you own a roll up gate in Baltimore, and you are not sure if there are safety cables included in your spring system, look at your springs and search for the safety cables. If you see a steel wire entering from one side of the spring, and exiting from the other side, it mean that you have them. If you do not see them (Do not confuse them with the necessary cables to operate the gate, cables which actually connected to the spring and wrapped around the pulley).If there are no safety cables, you can install them by yourself, or you can contact Security Roll Down Gate Repair and we will install them for you.

overhead gate spring repair

Torsion Spring Repair Baltimore

If you own a roll up gate in Baltimore which work with torsion spring system, and one (Or both springs in some cases) of them snapped, do not try and use the roll up gate since it can be dangerous. Think about a heavy gate that suddenly lost the force that balance it, and that prevent it from crushing and break. A torsion roll up gate spring replacement – whether it is a roll down gate in Baltimore County MD or a torsion spring repair in Baltimore - is not an easy project, and it should be performed by a trained roll down repairman, who can install the right spring for the gate, and that will know how to replace the spring in a safe way. We offer same day roll up gate spring replacement in Baltimore, and we carry with us torsion roll down springs for most roll up gates in Baltimore.
Please be careful! And do not attempt to try and replace a broken spring by yourself, and contact a roll up gates company in Baltimore to do the replacement for you. We know that there are many online tutorials which explain how to replace a torsion spring in a “do it yourself” way, and if you read more along this article you will learn why it is not recommended. So again, with our same day spring replacement in Baltimore, there is no need to worry, since we can make your roll up gate in Baltimore to work again today.

Overhead gate Spring Repair Baltimore

Before we elaborate about the roll down spring repair, we would like to make it clear that a broken roll up gate spring in Baltimore can be dangerous, and it is best if you avoid operating the gate until the broken spring will be replace, by a local roll up gate company in Baltimore.
There are few steps that included in a professional roll down gate spring replacement, they can be applied to all overhead roll up gates whether it is a roll up gate repair in Maryland or a roll up gate repairKings County. The first is of course to locate the right spring for your roll down gate in Baltimore, and the second part is the spring installation itself. As we explained earlier, the roll up gate springs are under a lot of tension, and being near one when it break is not a pleasant experience that can be dangerous. We hear many stories from home owners who tell us how lucky they were that they weren’t inside the roll down when the spring snapped (Especially when the case is extension spring). It may followed by a loud noise of the breaking spring, and it may make you wonder if your gate is totally lost and they will now need to locate a roll up gate installer in Baltimore. But do not worry, since repairing roll up gate spring in Baltimore is what we do, and we like to think we do it the best.

Do it yourself spring repair

If you will search online for a roll up gate spring repair in Baltimore or anywhere else, you will find a large collection of Videos, tutorials and articles that explain how to replace a roll up gate spring by yourself. And while watching the Videos, it may seem simple to replace the springs, just to locate a roll up gate supplier purchase the spring and replace the old one. But, and this is the important part: Every roll up gate IN Baltimore is unique, in terms of the place where it is installed, and the way it is working (And of course the size and the weight of the gate). And what may work for the roll up gate spring replacement you watched on the Video, will not necessarily work for your roll up gate in Baltimore, and here is where the problem begin.

Roll Down Gate spring repair DIY

Do it yourself repair and safety

Repairing a roll up gate in Baltimore by DIY can be dangerous. If you are not sure that you purchased the right parts, if you don’t have the right tools for the job (Avoid using improvised tools), and if you don’t have the knowledge which roll up gate repair demand – In Maryland, Maryland or anywhere else in Baltimore - please contact a roll up gate repairman in Baltimore to do the repair for you. Replacing a torsion spring for a roll up gate in MD is not a simple job, and it require certain knowledge about the roll up gates in Baltimore, and that knowledge can turn the repair into something dangerous and sometime impossible. So if you are not sure, use the services of a local roll down technician in Baltimore.
In case you decided to do replace the spring by DIY
If you think that you can perform the spring replacement by yourself and not using the services of a professional technician in Baltimore, make sure that you have the right spring for the gate (There is only one “right” size of spring), that you have the right tools (Do not replace the required torsion sticks with a different tool it can lead to injuries), and that you got all the knowledge which require to replace a broken spring for a roll up gate in Baltimore.

For roll up gate spring repair in Baltimore
Call: (410) 497-6309